Book Guides (alphabetically)
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(by: Cathryn Sill, ISBN: 978-1561456369)
Alejandro's Gift (by: Richard E. Albert & Sylvia Long, ISBN: 978-0811813426)
(by: Anthony D. Fredericks & Jennifer Dirubbio, ISBN: 978-1584690528)
Bats! (by Nicole Iorio, ISBN: 978-0060576387)
Bedtime in the Southwest (by: Mona Hodgson & Renee Graef, ISBN: 978-0873588713)
Before We Eat (by: Pat Brisson & Mary Azarian, ISBN: 978-0873588713)
The Bumblebee Queen (by: April Pulley Sayre & Patricia J. Wynne, ISBN: 978-1570913631)
Buried Sunlight (by: Molly Bang & Penny Chisholm, ISBN: 978-0545577854)
A Butterfly is Patient (by: Dianna Aston & Sylvia Long, ISBN: 978-1452141244)
C is for Coyote (by: Andrea Helman, ISBN: 978-1630763008)
Cactus Soup (by: Eric A. Kimmel & Phil Huling, ISBN: 978-0761458326)
Comparing and Contrasting my Nana's and my Tata's (Comparative activity for 2 book - My Nana's Remedies & My Tata's Remedies)
Corn is Maize (by: Aliki, ISBN: 978-1442005228)
Delicious Hullabaloo (by: Pat Mora & Francisco X. Mora, ISBN: 978-1430108375)
Desert Babies A-Z (by: Bill Broyles, ISBN: 978-1887896696)
Desert Digits (by: Barbara Gowan, ISBN: 978-1585361625)
The Desert is My Mother (by: Pat Mora & Daniel Lechon, ISBN: 978-1558851580)
The Desert is Theirs (by: Byrd Baylor & Peter Parnall, ISBN: 978-0689711053)
Desert Night Desert Day (by: Anthony Fredericks & Kenneth Spengler, ISBN: 978-1933855707)
Desert Voices (by: Byrd Baylor & Peter Parnall, ISBN: 978-0689716911)
Dig Wait Listen (by: April Sayre & Barbara Bash, ISBN: 978-0688166144)
Dirt (by: Natalie Rosinsky & Sheree Boyd, ISBN: 978-1404803312)
Don't Call Me Pig (by: Conrad Storad & Beth Neely, ISBN: 978-1891795015)
Edible Colors (by: Jennifer Vogel Bass, ISBN: 978-1626722842)
El Lorax (by: Dr. Seuss, ISBN: 978-0394823379)
Everybody Needs a Rock (by: Byrd Baylor & Peter Parnall, ISBN: 978-0689710513)
Exploring Ecosystems with Max Axiom (by: Agnieszka Biskup & Tod Smith, ISBN: 978-0736878944)
Farmer Will Allen and the Growing Table (by: Jacqueline Briggs Martin, ISBN: 978-0983661580)
The First Tortilla (by: Rudolfo Anaya, ISBN: 978-0826342157)
The Flower: An Ecology Story Book (by: Chris Baines & Penny Ives, ISBN: 978-0940793538)
From Seed to Plant (by: Gail Gibbons, ISBN: 978-0823410255)
G is for Grand Canyon (by: Barbara Gowan & Katherine Larson, ISBN: 978-1585360680)
Gathering the Sun (by: Alma Ada & Simon Silva, ISBN: 978-0688170677)
Green is a Chile Pepper (by: Roseanne Greenfield Thong & John Parra, ISBN: 978-1452156453)
Grow It Cook It (by: DK Publishing, ISBN: 978-0756633677)
Here is the Southwestern Desert (by: Madeleine Dunphy & Anne Coe, ISBN: 978-0977379569)
Horned Toad Canyon (by: Joyce Gibson Roach & Charles Shaw, ISBN: 978-1931721011)
How to Raise Monarch Butterflies (by: Carol Pasternak, ISBN: 978-1770850026)
I Howl, I Growl (by: Marcia Vaughan & Polly Powell, ISBN: 978-0873588355)
If You Hold a Seed (by: Elly MacKay, ISBN: 978-0762447213)
If You Plant a Seed (by: Kadir Nelson, ISBN: 978-0062298898)
It's Our Garden (by: George Ancona, ISBN: 978-0763676919)
Let's Eat (by: Beatrice Hollyer, ISBN: 978-0805073225)
The Life and Times of Corn (by: Charles Micucci, ISBN: 978-0618507511)
Listen to the Desert (by: Gregory Mayers, ISBN: 978-0879465339)
Little Arizona (by: Barbara Gowan & Helle Urban, ISBN: 978-1585362080)
Living Sunlight (by: Molly Bang & Penny Chisholm, ISBN: 978-0545044226)
Look Where We Live! (by: Scot Ritchie, ISBN: 978-1771381024)
My Nana's Remedies (by: Roni Capin Rivera-Ashford & Edna San Miguel, ISBN: 978-1886679191)
My Tata's Remedies (by: Roni Capin Rivera-Ashford & Antonio Castro, ISBN: 978-1935955894)
Our School Garden (by: Rick Swann & Christy Hale, ISBN: 978-0983661504)
The Pancake Tree (by: Trenton Payne & Jok Gervasio, ISBN: 978-1470198893)
The Patchwork Garden (by: Diane de Anda & Oksana Kemarskaya, ISBN: 978-1558857636)
Plant a Little Seed (by: Bonnie Christensen, ISBN: 978-1596435506)
Pollinators of the Sonoran Desert (by: Nina Chambers, Yajaira Gray & Stephen Buchmann)
Round is a Tortilla (by: Roseanne Thong & John Parra, ISBN: 978-1452145686)
The Seed and the Giant Saguaro (by: Jennifer Ward & Mike Rangner, ISBN: 978-0873588454)
A Seed is Sleepy (by: Dianna Aston & Sylvia Long, ISBN: 978-1452131474)
So Happy! (by: Kevin Henkes, ISBN: 978-0060564834)
Strega Nona's Harvest (by: Tomie de Paola, ISBN: 978-0142423387)
The Sunhat (by: Jennifer Ward & Stephanie Roth Sisson, ISBN: 978-1933855783)
Sylvia's Spinach (by: Katherine Pryor & Anna Raff, ISBN: 978-0983661542)
The Table Where Rich People Sit (by: Byrd Baylor & Peter Parnall, ISBN: 978-0689820083)
The Tale of Rabbit and Coyote (by: Tony Johnston & Tomie de Paola, ISBN: 978-0698116306)
Talia and the Rude Vegetables (by: Linda Elovitz Marshall & Francesca Assitelli, ISBN: 978-0761352181)
Tops and Bottoms (by: Janet Stevens, ISBN: 978-0152928513)
The Tortoise and the Hare (by: Jerry Pinkey, ISBN: 978-0316183567)
The Tortoise and the Jacktrabbit (by: Susan Lowell, ISBN: 978-0873585866)
The Way to Start the Day (by: Byrd Baylor & Peter Parnall, ISBN: 978-0689710544)
This House is Made of Mud (by: Ken Buchanan & Libba Tray, ISBN: 978-0873585804)
Waiting for Wings (by: Lois Ehlert, ISBN: 978-0152026080)
Who Pooped in the Sonoran Desert? (by: Gary Robson & Robert Rath, ISBN: 978-1560373490)
Wild Backyard (by: Katie Riggs & Fiammetta Dogi, ISBN: 978-1568462875)
Why Oh Why Are Deserts Dry? (by: Tish Rabe, ISBN: 978-0375858680)
Yum! ¡MmMm! ¡Qué Rico! (by: Pat Mora & Rafael Lopez, ISBN: 978-1600608926)
Zora's Zucchini (by: Katherine Pryor & Anna Raff, ISBN: 978-0983661573)